Rachid Yazami's Nanomaterials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fundamentals and PDF

By Rachid Yazami

ISBN-10: 9814316407

ISBN-13: 9789814316408

This publication covers the newest advances within the technological know-how and know-how of nanostructured fabrics for lithium-ion program. With contributions from popular scientists and technologists, the chapters talk about state of the art examine on nanostructured anode and cathode fabrics, a few already utilized in advertisement batteries and others nonetheless in improvement. They contain nanostructured anode fabrics according to Si, Ge, Sn, and different metals and steel oxides including cathode fabrics of olivine, the hexagonal and spinel crystal structures.

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Nanomaterials for Lithium-Ion Batteries: Fundamentals and Applications by Rachid Yazami

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