Ya-chen Chen's New Modern Chinese Women and Gender Politics: The Centennial PDF

By Ya-chen Chen

ISBN-10: 0415841380

ISBN-13: 9780415841382

ISBN-10: 1138089567

ISBN-13: 9781138089563

The prior century witnessed dramatic adjustments within the lives of recent chinese language girls and gender politics. while a few innovative activities to rectify the feudalist patriarchy, resembling foot-binding and polygyny have been first visible within the past due Qing interval; the termination of the Qing Dynasty and institution of Republican China in 1911-1912 initiated actually nation-wide constitutional reform along expanding gender egalitarianism. This e-book strains the novel adjustments in gender politics in China, and how during which the lives, roles and standing of chinese language girls were remodeled over the past 100 years. In doing so, it highlights 3 designated parts of improvement for contemporary chinese language girls and gender politics: first, women’s equivalent rights, freedom, careers, and photographs approximately their modernized femininity; moment, chinese language women’s abroad reviews and accomplishments; and 3rd, advances in chinese language gender politics of non-heterosexuality and same-sex concerns.

This ebook takes a multi-disciplinary strategy, drawing on movie, historical past, literature, and private event. As such, will probably be of big curiosity to scholars and students of chinese language tradition and society, women's reports, gender stories and gender politics.

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New Modern Chinese Women and Gender Politics: The Centennial of the End of the Qing Dynasty (Routledge Research on Gender in Asia Series) by Ya-chen Chen

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