By Amin Falaq

ISBN-10: 148107721X

ISBN-13: 9781481077217

while my Son was once born I requested GD to guard him from poverty, from lack of expertise and from disobedience to Him. GD instructed me that my Son will be protected against all three—if he has the proper brain. So i began to paintings on forming his brain earlier than his enemies may get to him. understanding the necessity to be the lioness in protecting my Son, i spotted that he may face no hazard more than lack of know-how, and that he could don't have any protection more than knowledge

The results of that attempt is accumulated right here as NOTES TO MY SON: A Father’s recommendation For His Son’s trip via Life.

NOTES TO MY SON is a suite of seventy four letters written to my Son. a few have been initially written to my nephew while he was once an youngster. a few have been initially written to my daughter in the course of a annoying time in her lifestyles. After my Son was once born they have been rewritten and customised for my Son, and integrated among different letters written to him and for him. even though those seventy four letters have been written to a baby and for a kid, the booklet is basically for males (not to the exclusion of the women). it's a ebook for grownup males to percentage with the “little-men” (not to exclusion of the little-women) of their lives: their sons; nephews; little brothers; cousins and non-relatives little-men of their life

there's rampant abortion of guys and they're an endangered species. they're being killed mentally earlier than they ever even strengthen. Our little-men are like lion cubs. in the event that they develop and boost, they could rule the jungle. yet their enemy seeks to kill them whereas they're cubs. occasionally that enemy is an grownup male lion.

NOTES TO MY SON is for the lads who're guy sufficient to be in contact with their female facet and comprehend the necessity to be just like the lioness conserving her cubs: the little-men.

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NOTES TO MY SON by Amin Falaq

by Jason

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