Ivan Day's Over a Red Hot Stove: Essays in early cooking technology PDF

By Ivan Day

ISBN-10: 1903018676

ISBN-13: 9781903018675

The fourteenth quantity of the Leeds Symposium on foodstuff heritage 'Food and Society' sequence •The topic is the methods we cooked our nutrition for the reason that medieval times.David Eveleigh discusses the increase of the kitchen diversity, from the 19th-century coal-fired monsters to the electrical and gasoline cookers of the early twentieth century.Ivan Day, in essays, talks approximately concepts of roasting. within the first he tells of the ox roast; within the moment he lines the historical past of the clockwork spit. Peter Brears offers an account of roasting, in particular the 'baron of beef', in early glossy royal palaces.

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Over a Red Hot Stove: Essays in early cooking technology (Leeds Symposium on Food History 'food and Society' Series) by Ivan Day

by John

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