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By Richard W. Willson

ISBN-10: 1610914252

ISBN-13: 9781610914253

ISBN-10: 1610914619

ISBN-13: 9781610914611

The common automobile parking space calls for nearly three hundred sq. toes of asphalt. that is the dimension of a studio residence in long island and enough space to carry 10 bicycles. area dedicated to parking in starting to be city and suburban components is very contested--not merely from different makes use of from housing to parklets, yet among drivers who believe entitled to quick access. with no parking administration, parking is a free-for-all--a aggressive sport--with arbitrary winners and losers. traditionally drivers were the general winners in having loose or inexpensive parking, whereas an oversupply of parking has created a adverse setting for pedestrians.

In the final 50 years, parking administration has grown from a minor point of neighborhood coverage and legislation to a principal place within the provision of transportation entry. the better densities, tight land offers, combined land makes use of, environmental and social issues, and replacement transportation modes of shrewdpermanent development call for a distinct approach--actively controlled parking.

This publication bargains a collection of instruments and a mode for strategic parking administration in order that groups can larger use parking assets and stay away from overbuilding parking. It explores new possibilities for making the main from each automobile parking space in a sharing economic system and benefiting from new electronic parking instruments to extend consumer interplay and pride. Examples are supplied of winning ways for parking management--from Pasadena to London. At its essence, the publication offers a direction ahead for strategic parking administration in a brand new period of tighter parking supplies.

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Parking Management for Smart Growth by Richard W. Willson

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