Juliana Barr's Peace Came in the Form of a Woman: Indians and Spaniards in PDF

By Juliana Barr

ISBN-10: 0807830828

ISBN-13: 9780807830826

ISBN-10: 0807857904

ISBN-13: 9780807857908

Revising the traditional narrative of European-Indian relatives in the United States, Juliana Barr reconstructs a global during which Indians have been the dominant energy and Europeans have been those compelled to deal with, withstand, and persevere. She demonstrates that among the 1690s and 1780s, Indian peoples together with Caddos, Apaches, Payayas, Karankawas, Wichitas, and Comanches shaped relationships with Spaniards in Texas that refuted ecu claims of imperial control.

Barr argues that Indians not just retained keep an eye on over their territories but additionally imposed regulate over Spaniards. rather than being outlined in racial phrases, as used to be usually the case with eu structures of energy, diplomatic family among the Indians and Spaniards within the zone have been dictated by way of Indian expressions of strength, grounded in gendered phrases of kinship. through studying six geographical regions of encounter--first touch, payment and intermarriage, challenge lifestyles, struggle, international relations, and captivity--Barr exhibits that local different types of gender supplied the political constitution of Indian-Spanish relatives via defining people's identification, prestige, and duties vis-a-vis others. simply because local structures of kin-based social and political order predominated, argues Barr, Indian ideas of gender minimize throughout eu perceptions of racial difference.

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Peace Came in the Form of a Woman: Indians and Spaniards in the Texas Borderlands by Juliana Barr

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