New PDF release: Peacekeepers Among Us: The First Encounter

By Charles C. Carroll

ISBN-10: 1480845671

ISBN-13: 9781480845671

ISBN-10: 148084568X

ISBN-13: 9781480845688

At a time and in a spot that all of us adventure, we devote, on a unconscious point, in session with our guardians, to a lifestyles plan and purpose—but reminiscence of this event fades as we input the earth airplane. Now sixty years outdated, Fred Milford doesn’t be mindful making plans his life’s path sooner than his beginning, yet he can’t shake the sophisticated feeling that pointed to his destiny.

Working within the busy company global of excessive funds and ruthless habit, Fred flourishes, oblivious to the aim for his lifestyles that his soul created—except for the delicate tugging that sometimes surfaces. ultimately, lifestyles and well-being demanding situations intrude and lift the sophisticated vibrations to a pitch which may now not be neglected, and Fred units out to fill the vacancy in his middle. alongside the best way, he encounters unusual those that may also help him swap his lifestyles. The guardians, aware in their challenge, assign a mysterious mentor to steer Fred at the advanced trip to transformation, pushing him to the belief that the adventure is just starting on an extended trajectory towards eternity.

In this novel, following center surgical procedure, a guy reevaluates his lifestyles and, with counsel from otherworldly guardians, places into movement a plan his soul created sooner than he used to be born.

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Peacekeepers Among Us: The First Encounter by Charles C. Carroll

by Paul

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