Perrysburg: Historic Architecture (Images of America) by C. Robert Boyd PDF

By C. Robert Boyd

ISBN-10: 0738534021

ISBN-13: 9780738534022

ISBN-10: 1531619509

ISBN-13: 9781531619503

Congress created Perrysburg in 1816 to safe keep an eye on of its strategic buying and selling position at the biggest river flowing into Lake Erie, the Maumee River, an crucial waterway for transport and in addition an immense passageway for western migration. As a hectic port and shipbuilding middle, Perrysburg attracted entrepreneurial pioneers from the East, who, as they prospered, equipped extraordinary houses, structures, and different constructions. in the course of the global battle I period, prosperous Toledo industrialists additionally arrived, development riverside mansions. Over a hundred of this small 19th-century community's architectural treasures nonetheless stand, they usually contain examples of approximately each significant household architectural type well known from the 1820s to the Nineteen Thirties. many of the buildings that make up the ancient personality of Perrysburg are most sensible represented within the ancient District, that's indexed at the nationwide sign up of old Places.

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Perrysburg: Historic Architecture (Images of America) by C. Robert Boyd

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