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By Naminosuke Kubota

ISBN-10: 3527331786

ISBN-13: 9783527331789

This 3rd variation of the vintage at the thermochemical elements of the combustion of propellants and explosives is totally revised and up to date and now features a part on eco-friendly propellants and provides an up to date view of the thermochemical facets of combustion and corresponding purposes.
sincerely dependent, the 1st half the publication offers an advent to pyrodynamics, describing primary elements of the combustion of vigorous fabrics, whereas the second one half highlights functions of full of life fabrics, corresponding to propellants, explosives and pyrolants, with a spotlight at the phenomena taking place in rocket cars. eventually, an appendix provides a short review of the basics of aerodynamics and warmth move, that's a prerequisite for the examine of pyrodynamics.
a close reference for readers drawn to rocketry or explosives technology.

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Propellants and Explosives: Thermochemical Aspects of Combustion (Guia Visual) by Naminosuke Kubota

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