Download PDF by Alejandro Jodorowsky: Psychomagic: The Transformative Power of Shamanic

By Alejandro Jodorowsky

ISBN-10: 159477336X

ISBN-13: 9781594773365

A therapeutic direction utilizing the ability of desires, theater, poetry, and shamanism

• indicates how mental realizations may cause precise transformation whilst manifested by way of concrete poetic acts

• contains many examples of the surreal yet profitable activities Jodorowsky has prescribed to these looking his support

While residing in Mexico, Alejandro Jodorowsky grew to become acquainted with the colourful and powerful remedies supplied via folks healers. He learned that it truly is more straightforward for the subconscious to appreciate the language of goals than that of rationality. disease can also be obvious as a actual dream that finds unresolved emotional and mental difficulties.

Psychomagic provides the shamanic and genealogical rules Jodorowsky came across to create a therapeutic remedy which may use the powers of desires, paintings, and theater to empower participants to heal wounds that during a few instances had traveled via generations. The concrete and infrequently surreal poetic activities Jodorowsky employs are a part of an complicated method meant to damage aside the dysfunctional personality with whom the sufferer identifies so as to connect to a deeper self. that's while real transformation can occur.

For a tender guy who complained that he lived purely in his head and was once not able to snatch carry of truth and increase towards the monetary autonomy he wanted, Jodorowsky gave the prescription to stick gold cash to the soles of his footwear in order that all day he will be strolling on gold. A pass judgement on whose self-importance was once ruling his each circulation used to be given the duty of dressing like a tramp and begging open air one of many stylish eating places he enjoyed to common whereas pulling glass doll eyes out of his wallet. The lesson for him was once that if a tramp can fill his wallet with eyeballs, then they have to be of no worth, and therefore the eyes of others shouldn't have any touching on who you're and what you do. Taking his sufferers without delay at their phrases, Jodorowsky takes a similar parts linked to a destructive emotional cost and recasts them in an motion that would cause them to optimistic and permit them to pay the mental money owed hindering their lives.

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Psychomagic: The Transformative Power of Shamanic Psychotherapy by Alejandro Jodorowsky

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