Download e-book for kindle: Recent Topics in Differential and Analytic Geometry by T. Ochiai

By T. Ochiai

ISBN-10: 0120010186

ISBN-13: 9780120010189

ISBN-10: 1483201252

ISBN-13: 9781483201252

complex reports in natural arithmetic, quantity 18-I: contemporary themes in Differential and Analytic Geometry provides the advancements within the box of analytical and differential geometry. This ebook offers a few generalities approximately bounded symmetric domains.

Organized into components encompassing 12 chapters, this quantity starts off with an summary of harmonic mappings and holomorphic foliations. this article then discusses the worldwide buildings of a compact Kähler manifold that's in the community decomposable as an isometric made from Ricci-positive, Ricci-negative, and Ricci-flat elements. different chapters think of the main famous non-standard examples of compact homogeneous Einstein manifolds built through Riemannian submersions. This ebook discusses besides the usual compactification of the moduli area of polarized Einstein–Kähler orbitfold with a given Hilbert polynomials. the ultimate bankruptcy offers with fixing a degenerate Monge–Ampère equation by means of developing a relatives of Einstein–Kähler metrics at the delicate a part of minimum sorts of common kind.

This booklet is a invaluable source for graduate scholars and natural mathematicians.

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Recent Topics in Differential and Analytic Geometry (Advanced Studies in Pure Mathematics) by T. Ochiai

by Kevin

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