Download e-book for iPad: Regular and Irregular Holonomic D-Modules (London by Masaki Kashiwara,Pierre Schapira

By Masaki Kashiwara,Pierre Schapira

ISBN-10: 1316613453

ISBN-13: 9781316613450

D-module thought is largely the algebraic research of structures of linear partial differential equations. This booklet, the 1st committed particularly to holonomic D-modules, offers a unified remedy of either ordinary and abnormal D-modules. The authors start through recalling the most result of the idea of indsheaves and subanalytic sheaves, explaining intimately the operations on D-modules and their tempered holomorphic recommendations. As an program, they receive the Riemann–Hilbert correspondence for normal holonomic D-modules. within the moment a part of the e-book the authors do a similar for the sheaf of more suitable tempered options of (not unavoidably standard) holonomic D-modules. Originating from a sequence of lectures given on the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques in Paris, this publication is addressed to graduate scholars and researchers accustomed to the language of sheaves and D-modules, within the derived sense.

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Regular and Irregular Holonomic D-Modules (London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series) by Masaki Kashiwara,Pierre Schapira

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