Roberta's Rules of Order: Sail Through Meetings for Stellar by Alice Collier Cochran PDF

By Alice Collier Cochran

ISBN-10: 0787964239

ISBN-13: 9780787964238

This specific publication demanding situations nonprofit leaders (and an individual who runs conferences) to retire Robert's ideas of Order and undertake a less complicated, friendlier, and greater approach for engaging in meetings--Roberta's ideas of Order. utilizing conventional crusing ships as a metaphor, conferences and governance specialist Alice Collier Cochran is helping teams make the adventure from the "shore" that represents the tradition of Robert's Rules--procedural formality, debate, easy majority rule--to the other "shore" of Roberta's Rules--informality, discussion, and decision-making options.? In doing so, she is helping them to behavior friendlier, greater conferences and to take step one towards developing versatile, democratic organizations.

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Roberta's Rules of Order: Sail Through Meetings for Stellar Results Without the Gavel by Alice Collier Cochran

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