Shadow Blade by Seressia Glass PDF

By Seressia Glass

ISBN-10: 1476747482

ISBN-13: 9781476747484

ISBN-10: 1522608710

ISBN-13: 9781522608714

For Kira Solomon, common used to be by no means an option.

Kira's day activity is as an antiquities specialist, yet her real calling is as a Shadowchaser. proficient from early life to be probably the most deadly Chasers in lifestyles, Kira serves the Gilead fee, dispatching the Fallen who sow discord and chaos. in fact, occasionally Gilead paperwork is as a lot a thorn in her aspect as something the Fallen can muster opposed to her. right away, although, she's bought a much bigger challenge. an individual is popping the town of Atlanta the wrong way up looking for a millennia-old Egyptian dagger that simply occurs to have fallen into Kira's palms.

Then there is Khefar, the dagger's real proprietor -- a near-immortal 4,000-year-old Nubian warrior who, Kira has to confess, seems beautiful positive for his age. becoming a member of forces is the one strategy to maintain the weapon secure from the sinister Shadow forces, yet now Kira is in deep with a person who holds extra secrets and techniques than she does, the single one that understands simply how treacherous this struggle is. simply because each step towards destroying the enemy is a step toward wasting herself to Shadow forever....

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Shadow Blade by Seressia Glass

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