Shapes and Diffeomorphisms: 171 (Applied Mathematical by Laurent Younes PDF

By Laurent Younes

ISBN-10: 3642120547

ISBN-13: 9783642120541

ISBN-10: 3642263488

ISBN-13: 9783642263484

Shapes are advanced gadgets to understand, as mathematical entities, in phrases that still are compatible for automated research and interpretation. This quantity offers the historical past that's required for this function, together with diverse methods that may be used to version shapes, and algorithms which are on hand to research them. It explores, particularly, the attention-grabbing connections among shapes and the items that certainly act on them, diffeomorphisms. The booklet is, so far as attainable, self-contained, with an appendix that describes a chain of classical themes in arithmetic (Hilbert areas, differential equations, Riemannian manifolds) and sections that characterize the cutting-edge within the research of shapes and their deformations.
A direct software of what's awarded within the e-book is a department of the automatic research of scientific photographs, referred to as computational anatomy.

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Shapes and Diffeomorphisms: 171 (Applied Mathematical Sciences) by Laurent Younes

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