Sheet Pan: Delicious Recipes for Hands-Off Meals - download pdf or read online

By Kate McMillan

ISBN-10: 1681881373

ISBN-13: 9781681881379

that includes fit, flavorful, and entire foodstuff assembled and cooked on an easy sheet pan, this cookbook bargains nice dinner ideas for busy cooks.

Sheet Pan Dinners beneficial properties 50 recipes, every one a whole meal, with a various diversity of materials and taste combos. this easy method of cooking maximizes ease and flavor.

Sample recipes include:

- Bangers & smashed potatoes
- Moroccan spiced lamb chops with vegetable kebabs
- Rosemary beef tenderloin with roasted apples & onions
- highly spiced Asian poultry wings with broccoli & walnuts
- Citrus-rubbed poultry thighs with fennel & grapes
- Garlic parmesan shrimp with asparagus fries
- Salmon Provencale with roasted tomatoes & fingerlings
- Swordfish saltimbocca with sage & paprika-spiced cauliflower
- Miso-glazed mahi mahi with sugar snap peas
- Eggplant, tofu & eco-friendly bean sheet fry
- Brussels sprout & potato hash with thyme & eggs
- Cauliflower steaks with capers & lemon with wintergreens & dried cherries

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Sheet Pan: Delicious Recipes for Hands-Off Meals by Kate McMillan

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