Shoah Presence: Architectural Representations of the by Eran Neuman PDF

By Eran Neuman

ISBN-10: 1138246018

ISBN-13: 9781138246010

ISBN-10: 1409429237

ISBN-13: 9781409429234

throughout the research of a number of commemorative acts in house, subject and picture, specifically museums and memorials, this e-book displays at the ways that structure as a self-discipline, a tradition and a discourse represents the Holocaust. In doing so, it problematises how one offers an severe ancient case in a modern context and integrates the historic into reality. via interpreting numerous situations, the e-book defines the problems confronted via numerous architects who handled this subject and discusses their separate and precise methods. In each one case, it analyses the ways that the cultural and political contexts of commemoration ended in a special interpretation of the . concentrating on the Ghetto combatants’ residence, the world’s first Holocaust museum; Yad Vashem, Israel’s nationwide Holocaust memorial in Jerusalem; the united states Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington; and the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, the ebook discusses how the illustration of heritage through structure creates a dialectic method within which structure mediates the prior to the current, whereas whilst making a current saturated with historic contexts. It indicates how, jointly, they're included into each other and create a brand new fact: prior and current intertwined.

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Shoah Presence: Architectural Representations of the Holocaust (Ashgate Studies in Architecture) by Eran Neuman

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