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By Andrea Grove,Gary A. Berg

ISBN-10: 3642452744

ISBN-13: 9783642452741

ISBN-10: 3662512203

ISBN-13: 9783662512203

Conceptualized and placed into perform through Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Dr. Muhammad Yunus, social companies paintings to handle social ills akin to poverty, loss of health and wellbeing care, gaps in schooling and environmental demanding situations. This publication explores the ideation, perform and overview of the idea that of social enterprise. not only theoretical foundations yet numerous case stories of social companies all over the world and state of the art evaluation of the problems that come up within the making plans, advertising and marketing and assessment of social companies, are featured during this book.

This state of the art selection of articles, provided through the California Institute for Social company (CISB) in collaboration with Professor Yunus, is among the first complete collections of concept and examine at the rising box of social company. the varied staff of authors come from all over the world and from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds, representing the top educational specialists on social company phenomena.

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Social Business: Theory, Practice, and Critical Perspectives by Andrea Grove,Gary A. Berg

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