Read e-book online Soldados Razos at War: Chicano Politics, Identity, and PDF

By Steven Rosales

ISBN-10: 0816532443

ISBN-13: 9780816532445

What have been the catalysts that encouraged Mexican American formative years to enlist or quite simply settle for their draft notices in global struggle II, Korea, or Vietnam? In Soldados Razos at War, historian and veteran Steven Rosales chronicles the reports of Chicano servicemen who fought for the U.S., explaining why those males served, how they served, and the impression in their provider on their id and political consciousness.

As a social house imbued with its personal martial and masculine ethos, the U.S. army bargains a good way to review the aspirations and behaviors that carried over into the civilian lives of those younger males. a practice of martial citizenship kinds the middle of the ebook. utilizing wealthy oral histories and archival study, Rosales investigates the military’s transformative capability with a selected specialize in socioeconomic mobility, masculinity, and postwar political activism throughout 3 generations.

The nationwide collective attempt attribute of global battle II and Korea differed sharply from the hugely divisive nature of yankee involvement in Vietnam. therefore, for Mexican american citizens, army provider produced quite a lot of ideological reactions, with the beliefs of every usually against the others. but a serious thread connecting those different results used to be a redefined feel of self and a willingness to interact in person and collective motion to safe firstclass citizenship.

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Soldados Razos at War: Chicano Politics, Identity, and Masculinity in the U.S. Military from World War II to Vietnam by Steven Rosales

by Steven

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