Download e-book for kindle: Spiritual Bind: Dark Wizard by R.H. Whiteman

By R.H. Whiteman

ISBN-10: 0738838977

ISBN-13: 9780738838977

For the earlier 300 years, the medieval realm of Bijulan has been below a subversive assault from an evil wizard named Guerric. Now that the dominion is governed by way of younger King Malcolm,  Guerric raises his efforts to realize regulate of the area, a stream that can bring about a harmful struggle of wizards.  In smooth El Paso, Justin Moran creates a teleporter which unintentionally sends him to historical Bijulan the place he unearths himself drawn into the facility fight among Guerric and King Malcolm and his personal wizard Redmund. Justin is of the same opinion to aid catch and  transport Guerric to the Wizards' Council if Redmund may help Justin go back domestic later on.  They stumble upon stumbling blocks and hazards the whole approach, and Justin is stunned to find that he himself may well  be the main strong wizard within the alien land. with no absolutely figuring out him magical powers, he discovers that Guerric is set to damage the land for you to confront the writer Himself. Justin needs to both triumph over his doubts approximately magic and store the land from Guerric  or deny his powers and be on the mercy of the darkish wizard.

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Spiritual Bind: Dark Wizard by R.H. Whiteman

by Ronald

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