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By Tanya Erzen

ISBN-10: 0520245822

ISBN-13: 9780520245822

each year, thousands of homosexual males and lesbians subscribe to ex-gay ministries in an try and convert to non-homosexual Christian lives. during this interesting learn of the transnational ex-gay circulate, Tanya Erzen makes a speciality of the typical lives of fellows and girls at New wish Ministry, a residential ex-gay software, over the process a number of years. Straight to Jesus lines the tales of people that have renounced long term relationships and moved from different international locations out of a conviction that the conservative Christian ideals in their upbringing and their very own same-sex wants are irreconcilable. instead of definitively altering from gay to heterosexual, the individuals event a conversion that's either sexual and spiritual as born-again evangelical Christians. At New wish, they retain a private courting with Jesus and construct new sorts of kinship and belonging. through turning into what they name "new creations," those women and men testify to spiritual transformation instead of adjustments in sexual wish or habit. Straight to Jesus exposes how the Christian correct makes an attempt to repudiate homosexual id and political rights through the use of the ex-gay stream as facts that "change is possible." as a substitute, Erzen finds, the realities of the lives she examines truly undermine this anti-gay strategy.

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Straight to Jesus: Sexual and Christian Conversions in the Ex-Gay Movement by Tanya Erzen

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