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By Julia Kaziewicz

ISBN-10: 1933339640

ISBN-13: 9781933339641

A curriculum advisor to accompany The historical past of the traditional global: From the Earliest bills to the autumn of Rome, by means of Susan clever Bauer.

Susan clever Bauer’s narrative global background sequence is accepted in complex highschool heritage periods, in addition to via domestic instructing mom and dad. The examine and educating consultant, designed to be used through either mom and dad and lecturers, offers an entire curriculum with learn questions and solutions, serious considering assignments, essay subject matters, teacher rubrics, and try out kinds. motives for solutions and educating counsel also are included.

The research and instructing advisor, designed by means of historian and instructor Julia Kaziewicz in cooperation with Susan clever Bauer, makes The heritage of the traditional global (recommended for top college learn within the Well-Trained brain: A consultant to Classical schooling at domestic) much more obtainable to educators and fogeys alike.

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Study and Teaching Guide: The History of the Ancient World by Julia Kaziewicz

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