Surfaces in 4-Space (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences) by Scott Carter,Seiichi Kamada,Masahico Saito PDF

By Scott Carter,Seiichi Kamada,Masahico Saito

ISBN-10: 3540210407

ISBN-13: 9783540210405

ISBN-10: 3642059139

ISBN-13: 9783642059131

Surfaces in 4-Space, written via best experts within the box, discusses knotted surfaces in four-dimensional area and surveys a few of the recognized ends up in the realm. effects on knotted floor diagrams, buildings of knotted surfaces, classically outlined invariants, and new invariants outlined through quandle homology concept are provided. The final bankruptcy contains many fresh effects, and strategies for computation are provided. New tables of quandles with a number of parts and the homology teams thereof are included.

This ebook comprises many new illustrations of knotted floor diagrams. The reader of the publication becomes in detail conscious of the subtleties in going from the classical case of knotted circles in 3-space to this greater dimensional case.

As a survey, the publication is a consultant e-book to the vast literature on knotted surfaces and should develop into an invaluable reference for graduate scholars and researchers in arithmetic and physics.

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Surfaces in 4-Space (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences) by Scott Carter,Seiichi Kamada,Masahico Saito

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