Systems Research in Health Care, Biocybernetics and Ecology: by G. E. Lasker PDF

By G. E. Lasker

ISBN-10: 0080272010

ISBN-13: 9780080272016

ISBN-10: 1483174247

ISBN-13: 9781483174242

utilized platforms and Cybernetics, quantity IV: platforms learn in wellbeing and fitness Care, Biocybernetics and Ecology records the lawsuits of the foreign Congress on utilized platforms study and Cybernetics. This quantity compiles papers that current numerous options of healthiness care and replicate pondering during this box.
This publication introduces quite a few healthiness care structures and versions, after which tackles a few matters on dealing with the long term health and wellbeing care facility. a unique details approach for public overall healthiness can be defined during this quantity.
This textual content should be important to these attracted to platforms study and its purposes to numerous fields, together with overall healthiness care.

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Systems Research in Health Care, Biocybernetics and Ecology: Proceedings of the International Congress on Applied Systems Research and Cybernetics by G. E. Lasker

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