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By Becky Thompson

ISBN-10: 025204116X

ISBN-13: 9780252041167

ISBN-10: 0252082702

ISBN-13: 9780252082702

Imagine a school room that explores the twinned rules of embodied instructing and a pedagogy of tenderness. Becky Thompson envisions the sort of curriculum--and a manner of being--that gives you to lead to a sea switch in education.

Teaching with Tenderness follows within the culture of bell hooks's Teaching to Transgress and Paulo Freire's Pedagogy of the Oppressed, inviting us to attract upon contemplative practices (yoga, meditation, unfastened writing, mindfulness, ritual) to maintain our hearts open as we reckon with a number of injustices. instructing with tenderness makes room for emotion, provide a witness for stories humans have buried, welcomes silence, breath and stream, and sees justice as key to our survival. It permits us to reconsider our courting to grading, workplace hours, desks, and college conferences, sees paradox as a continuing better half, strikes us past binaries; and praises self and neighborhood care.

Tenderness examines modern demanding situations to instructing approximately race, gender, classification, nationality, sexuality, faith, and different hierarchies. It examines the moral, emotional, political, and religious demanding situations of training power-laden, charged concerns and the results of transferring strength kin within the school room and in the neighborhood. recognition to present contributions within the components of contemplative practices, trauma idea, multiracial feminist pedagogy, and activism allow us to ascertain steps towards a pedagogy of liberation. The e-book encourages lively engagement and makes room for self-reflective studying, instructing, and scholarship.


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Teaching with Tenderness: Toward an Embodied Practice (Transformations: Womanist studies) by Becky Thompson

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