New PDF release: The Book of James Carrom

By Shubham Pandey

ISBN-10: 9352013638

ISBN-13: 9789352013630

" yet why do you need to be a foul ghost??’
‘I am no longer a ghost, i'm the Tarehonuck King!’

Arthur McKutcher and his ally, Tom Metagom, are happy-go-lucky twelve- year-olds, who thirst for adventure.

But whilst event knocks on their door, within the type of a vengeful Tarehonuck, James Carrom, will they flip and run, or will they try again?

Taking support from skilled allies, Raymon Velmin and the Zahabevs, they need to conflict monsters they've got merely simply heard legends of: Vampires and ghosts, and engage with creatures they've got by no means even heard of: Tarehonucks (a hyper-intelligent race of the undead, who've built certain powers) and the Zahabevs, a race of magical warriors, who defend people, and who've vowed to finish the Tarehonuck race.

Amongst the chaos of searching for and kill James Carrom, Arthur reveals out the true plan for James’ utter and entire revenge. yet will he be ready to cease him?


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The Book of James Carrom by Shubham Pandey

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