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By Christoph Mandl,Markus Hauser,Hanna Mandl

ISBN-10: 3642342302

ISBN-13: 9783642342301

“Co-creative conferences” foster invention and innovation, and as a result allow cutting edge developmental approaches in an organizational and inter-organizational context, together with process improvement, product improvement, human source improvement, R&D, and trans-organizational initiatives.
This ebook illustrates the adaptation among effective and leading edge firms and what that distinction skill for conferences happening in such organisations, either from a conceptual and useful viewpoint.
It presents managers, coaches, experts and different pros whose task it really is to arrange conferences with transparent and action-oriented instructions for the layout of “co-creative meetings”, and in addition indicates the way to contain them via experiential learning.

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The Co-creative Meeting: Practicing Consensual Effectivity in Organizations (SpringerBriefs in Business) by Christoph Mandl,Markus Hauser,Hanna Mandl

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