Download PDF by Mark Häberlein: The Fuggers of Augsburg: Pursuing Wealth and Honor in

By Mark Häberlein

ISBN-10: 0813932440

ISBN-13: 9780813932446

As the wealthiest German service provider relatives of the 16th century, the
Fuggers have attracted large scholarly realization. unlike the opposite well-known service provider family
of the interval, the Medici of Florence, even if, no English-language paintings on them has been
on hand beforehand. The Fuggers of Augsburg offers a concise and engaging
evaluate that builds at the most recent scholarly literature and the author’s personal paintings on
sixteenth-century service provider capitalism. Mark Häberlein strains the historical past of the relations from
the weaver Hans Fugger’s immigration to the imperial urban of Augsburg in 1367 to the end
of the Thirty Years’ conflict in 1648. as the Fuggers’ vast company activities
concerned long-distance exchange, mining, nation finance, and in another country ventures, the family
exemplifies the meanings of globalization in the beginning of the fashionable age.

The publication additionally covers the political, social, and cultural roles of the Fuggers: their
patronage of Renaissance artists, the founding of the biggest social housing undertaking of its
time, their aid of Catholicism in a urban that principally became Protestant in the course of the
Reformation, and their upward thrust from city retailers to imperial counts and feudal lords.
Häberlein argues that the Fuggers geared up their social upward thrust in a manner that allowed them to
be retailers and feudal landholders, burghers and noblemen whilst. Their story
hence offers a window on social mobility, cultural patronage, faith, and values during
the Renaissance and the Reformation.

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The Fuggers of Augsburg: Pursuing Wealth and Honor in Renaissance Germany (Studies in Early Modern German History) by Mark Häberlein

by Daniel

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