The Harris Company (Images of America) by Aimmee L. Rodriguez,Richard A. Hanks,Robin S. Hanks PDF

By Aimmee L. Rodriguez,Richard A. Hanks,Robin S. Hanks

ISBN-10: 0738559016

ISBN-13: 9780738559018

ISBN-10: 1531638023

ISBN-13: 9781531638023

for nearly a hundred years, the slogan "Harris' Has It" set a customary for caliber item, choice, and private provider. beginning in 1905 with purely 25 ft of frontage at its unique San Bernardino shop, this partnership of 3 immigrant brothers grew right into a company of 9 shops, with the flagship shop on my own worthy over $1 million. The Harris corporation was once the 1st within the sector to augment the purchasing adventure with the creation of elevators, electrical symptoms, and escalators. even though the shop closed in 1999, the Harris corporation is remembered through the Inland Empire as a buying event that was once greater than simply enterprise, it used to be "looking after people."

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The Harris Company (Images of America) by Aimmee L. Rodriguez,Richard A. Hanks,Robin S. Hanks

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