New PDF release: The Three Faces of Zembeth (Zembeth Trilogy Book 1)

By Rowan Canterbury

ISBN-10: 1257813293

ISBN-13: 9781257813292

Earth was the house of many magical races. There got here a time after they felt it essential to get out whereas the getting was once stable. Zembeth grew to become their new domestic, just a couple of dimensions away. Earth used to be the house of Captain Britteny Eden Devarelle. in the course of her younger lifestyles, there got here a time that an alien race determined they had to get her out whereas the getting used to be stable earlier than the destruction of her domestic planet. Now Zembeth's stronger race of Elvish individuals are in a peril that they're thoroughly ignorant of. As our Captain is thrown right into a global packed with elves, dragons and ogres, she is named upon not to in basic terms keep a planet, with out the aid of know-how and her fellow pirates, but additionally saddled with the duty of saving it is bipolar princess who has been accused of the homicide of her mom the Queen of Elves and stripped of her magical skills. the 3 Faces of Zembeth takes you from one universe to a different in a mad race opposed to time, trojan horse gap closure, magic and fate.

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The Three Faces of Zembeth (Zembeth Trilogy Book 1) by Rowan Canterbury

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