Download e-book for kindle: Therapy Online: A Practical Guide by Kate Anthony,DeeAnna Merz Nagel

By Kate Anthony,DeeAnna Merz Nagel

ISBN-10: 0761940790

ISBN-13: 9780761940791

ISBN-10: 0761940804

ISBN-13: 9780761940807

"An stress-free booklet that is helping to convey counselling into the twenty first century. Kate and DeeAnna have performed an important function within the improvement of on-line remedy and their enthusiasm for the subject material, and adventure as running shoes and practitioners, comes via during this informative text."

Terry Hanley, Director of MA in Counselling, collage of Manchester

The plethora of on-line companies now on hand has ended in a becoming call for for practitioners to appear past conventional face-to-face remedy and benefit from the pliability which e mail and the web can provide them and their consumers. This consultant supplies up-to-the minute details and examine, moral and felony suggestion, at the practicalities of developing or becoming a member of a provider, and the basic healing abilities had to be a good on-line therapist.

Writing for a world viewers, the authors talk about the problems for practitioners utilizing the web at the present time, in addition to sooner or later. Basing their research on released empirical examine, they address:

- text-based healing interventions akin to e-mail, web Relay Chat and boards, from the viewpoint of alternative theoretical orientations, illustrated with an entire size

case study

- new moral Framework for utilizing expertise in psychological Health

- on-line supervision, on-line examine; crew remedy online

- the "business" of developing in deepest perform or e-clinics

- different healing makes use of of expertise together with use of video remedy, cellular SMS, mobilephone remedy, digital fact environments, gaming and computerised CBT.

The authoritative consultant to all features of being a web therapist, this functional textual content is an important addition to any therapist's library. it's going to even be important interpreting for somebody education to be a counsellor or psychotherapist in our more and more 'electronic' world.

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Therapy Online: A Practical Guide by Kate Anthony,DeeAnna Merz Nagel

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