Topics in Elementary Geometry - download pdf or read online

By O. Bottema,Robin Hartshorne,Reinie Erne

ISBN-10: 0387781307

ISBN-13: 9780387781303

This small booklet has for a very long time been a different position to discover classical effects from geometry, akin to Pythagoras' theorem, the nine-point circle, Morley's triangle, Poncelet's polygons, and lots of different matters. additionally, this ebook includes fresh, geometric theorems that have been received during this classical box during the last years. There are 27 self reliant chapters on quite a lot of issues in basic airplane Euclidean geometry, at a degree simply past what's often taught in a superb highschool or collage geometry direction. the choice of issues is clever, diversified, and stimulating. In a small house the writer offers many thought-provoking principles. This e-book will slot in good with the expanding curiosity for geometry in study and schooling. This e-book used to be initially released in Dutch, and it will be the 1st English translation. This translation additionally encompasses a new foreword by way of Robin Hartshorne. “This hugely wonderful publication will expand the reader's ancient viewpoint in an enlightening demeanour and it offers beautiful subject matters for lecture room discussion.” -Hendrik Lenstra, Universiteit Leiden

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Topics in Elementary Geometry by O. Bottema,Robin Hartshorne,Reinie Erne

by Ronald

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