Download PDF by Marco Manetti: Topology (UNITEXT)

By Marco Manetti

ISBN-10: 3319169572

ISBN-13: 9783319169576

This is an introductory textbook on common and algebraic topology, geared toward somebody with a uncomplicated wisdom of calculus and linear algebra. It presents complete proofs and comprises many examples and exercises.

The lined subject matters include: set thought and cardinal mathematics; axiom of selection and Zorn's lemma; topological areas and non-stop features; connectedness and compactness; Alexandrov compactification; quotient topologies; countability and separation axioms; prebasis and Alexander's theorem; the Tychonoff theorem and paracompactness; entire metric areas and serve as areas; Baire areas; homotopy of maps; the basic group; the van Kampen theorem; covering areas; Brouwer and Borsuk's theorems; unfastened teams and unfastened manufactured from teams; and uncomplicated classification concept. whereas it is very concrete at the start, summary thoughts are progressively brought. it really is appropriate for someone desiring a uncomplicated, complete creation to normal and algebraic topology and its applications.

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Topology (UNITEXT) by Marco Manetti

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