Download PDF by Eve-Marie Arce EdD: Twins and Supertwins: A Handbook for Early Childhood

By Eve-Marie Arce EdD

ISBN-10: 1605540307

ISBN-13: 9781605540306

Approximately one in each thirty young ones born this day is a dual or supertwin—a baby of a higher-order a number of delivery, resembling a triplet or quadruplet. With twins and supertwins an more and more transforming into inhabitants in preschool school rooms, early early life pros have extra questions and matters concerning the most sensible how you can take care of and teach preschool-age little ones of a number of births. Twins and Supertwins addresses those concerns and highlights the easiest software practices supported by way of contemporary learn and examine findings; comprises details on actual, social, emotional, and language improvement; identifies special wishes of twins and supertwins; and gives information to create partnerships with families.

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Twins and Supertwins: A Handbook for Early Childhood Professionals by Eve-Marie Arce EdD

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