Voice Male: The Untold Story of the Pro-Feminist Men's - download pdf or read online

By Rob A. Okun,Michael S. Kimmel

ISBN-10: 1566569443

ISBN-13: 9781566569446

ISBN-10: 1566569729

ISBN-13: 9781566569729

VOICE MALE: The Untold tale of the Profeminist Men’s circulate takes you within the most very important social justice pursuits you'll by no means have heard of—the social transformation of masculinity. even supposing it’s been underway because the past due Nineteen Seventies, it nonetheless mostly continues to be less than the radar of a lot of society.
Thematically prepared essays by means of best specialists and relocating first-person tales illustrate how a transforming into circulate of fixing males has stumbled on in feminism the root for redefining masculinity and developing more healthy lives.
The longtime editor of Voice Male journal, Rob Okun, introduces readers to males analyzing modern manhood from various perspectives—from boys at the trip to manhood to males overcoming violence; from fatherhood and mentoring to navigating lifestyles as a guy of colour; as a homosexual guy, and as a survivor. The voices of a refrain of ladies is additionally heard in those pages.
lengthy famous for articulating a hopeful imaginative and prescient of the way forward for males, Okun sensitively provides a shiny portrait bound to be obtainable to a large viewers attracted to what's occurring with males. His decades as a gender justice activist haven't simply deepened his ability as a chronicler of the profeminist men’s flow but additionally helped to bolster his voice as a spokesperson articulating men’s moment act. Voice Male deals compelling facts of a brand new course for males and illuminates what’s round the bend at the route to gender justice.

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Voice Male: The Untold Story of the Pro-Feminist Men's Movement by Rob A. Okun,Michael S. Kimmel

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