Vulnerable Daughters in India: Culture, Development and by Mattias Larsen PDF

By Mattias Larsen

ISBN-10: 041559751X

ISBN-13: 9780415597517

ISBN-10: 1138664960

ISBN-13: 9781138664968

In India, women are aborted on an incredible scale only simply because they're ladies. Underlying this common challenge is the difficult incontrovertible fact that daughters became weak in a time of normal development of welfare, girl prestige and deep fiscal and social adjustments. The findings centre on a contradiction among the continuing value of the cultural elements which for therefore lengthy have verified son is critical, and socio-economic adjustments which are hard the significance of those exact same components. This contradiction includes an uncertainty over sons pleasurable expectancies which has, instead of tilt the stability in favour of daughters, as an alternative elevated the relative value of sons and intensified unfavorable results for daughters.

The unique findings are according to set theoretic systematic comparisons of 8 villages in Himachal Pradesh that facilitate a reconceptualization and an alternate research that takes contextual modifications into consideration. It builds on broad fieldwork and choice of either qualitative and quantitative info.

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Vulnerable Daughters in India: Culture, Development and Changing Contexts by Mattias Larsen

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