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By Fred Sanders

ISBN-10: 1433515644

ISBN-13: 9781433515644

It is difficult to overstate the importance of John Wesley’s legacy for the church this day. because the founding father of Methodism, Wesley’s theology keeps to fascinate historians and energize Christians throughout denominational traces. From his revivalist enthusiasm to his educating on Christian perfection, Wesley’s writings exude evangelistic zeal and a keenness for faithfulness in all components of lifestyles. as well as offering a short biographical cartoon of this major revivalist, Sanders spends equivalent time exploring Wesley’s tackle the critical truths of the religion and people doctrines that uniquely signify the Wesleyan method of spirituality. Combining historical past with theology, this useful advent to Wesley’s existence and ideology stands as a good addition to the turning out to be Theologians at the Christian existence series.

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Wesley on the Christian Life: The Heart Renewed in Love by Fred Sanders

by Charles

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