Download e-book for iPad: Where the North Sea Touches Alabama by Allen C. Shelton

By Allen C. Shelton

ISBN-10: 022606364X

ISBN-13: 9780226063645

ISBN-10: 022607322X

ISBN-13: 9780226073224

On a hot summer’s evening in Athens, Georgia, Patrik Keim caught a pistol into his mouth and pulled the set off. Keim was once an artist, and the room during which he died used to be an assemblage of the instruments of his specific alternate: the ground and desk have been lined with pictures, whereas a couple of enormous scissors, glue, electric tape, and a few dentures shared area with a pile of previous scientific journals, butcher knives, and numerous different small items. Keim had cleared an area at the flooring, and the wall at once at the back of him was once naked. His physique accomplished the tableau. paintings and artists usually result in tragedy and obscurity, yet Keim’s tale doesn’t finish together with his death.

A few years later, a hundred and eighty miles clear of Keim’s grave, a bulldozer operator exposed a pine coffin in an outdated beaver swamp down the line from Allen C. Shelton’s farm. He quick reburied it, yet Shelton, a chum of Keim’s who had a suitcase of his unfinished tasks, turned confident that his buddy wasn’t lifeless and glued within the floor, yet relocating among this international and the subsequent in a touring coffin looking for his incomplete work.

In Where the North Sea Touches Alabama, Shelton ushers us into geographical regions of delusion, revelation, and mirrored image, paced with a gradual unfurling of magical correspondences. notwithstanding he's informed as a sociologist, this can be a genre-crossing paintings of literature, a two-sided ethnography: one from the area of the dwelling and the opposite from the realm of the dead.

What follows isn’t a ghost tale yet an exhilarating and striking type of narrative. The psycho-sociological panorama that Shelton constructs for his reader is as evocative of Kafka, Bataille, and Benjamin because it is of Weber, Foucault, and Marx. Where the North Sea Touches Alabama is a piece of sociological fictocriticism that explores not just the author’s dating to the artist yet his actual, historic, and social courting to northeastern Alabama, in infrequent style.

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Where the North Sea Touches Alabama by Allen C. Shelton

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