Chronic Aortic Regurgitation (Developments in Cardiovascular by William H. Gaasch,Herbert J. Levine PDF

By William H. Gaasch,Herbert J. Levine

ISBN-10: 0898383641

ISBN-13: 9780898383645

ISBN-10: 1461289734

ISBN-13: 9781461289739

Sir Dominic Corrigan's vintage monograph "On everlasting Patency of the Mouth of the Aorta, or Inadequacy of the Aortic Valves" used to be released in 1832. Descriptions of aortic regurgitation had formerly been released via others, yet Corrigan's contribution used to be so finished that his identify continues to be heavily linked to this affliction. He defined the actual findings and the underlying gross pathologic anatomy of aortic regurgitation. He famous that surprising demise used to be now not attribute of aortic regurgitation, because it was once in aortic stenosis, and his healing procedure was once according to enterprise physiologic rules. some time past a hundred and fifty years now we have increased Corrigan's paintings, and we now have built an in depth appreciation of the average background, pathophysiology, diagnostic tools, and therapy of power aortic regurgitation. Fifteen years in the past, cardiac catheterization and angiography had already completed common program within the review of aortic regurgitation, yet cardiac ultrasound, specifically Doppler echocardiography, used to be in its infancy, and the application of radionuclide ventriculography used to be no longer largely appreciated.

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Chronic Aortic Regurgitation (Developments in Cardiovascular Medicine) by William H. Gaasch,Herbert J. Levine

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