Download PDF by Erlo Esslen,U. Fisch: The Acute Facial Palsies: Investigations on the Localization

By Erlo Esslen,U. Fisch

ISBN-10: 3642665365

ISBN-13: 9783642665363

i've been privileged to paintings with Dr. Esslen for greater than ten years and to have witnessed howsurgical growth combinedwith actual medical and electrophysiological investigations have revolutionized the diagnostic and healing method of the para- lysed face. The longjourneyofthe VIIth nerve in the course of the temporal bone has been consid- ered for years accountable for the actual liabilityofthis nerve to acute palsies. The disappointing effects obtainedwith surgical decompression restrained ofnecessity to the mastoid and tympanic segmentsofthe fallopian canalled us within the sixties to use smooth otoneurosurgical options in orderto in attaining overall publicity ofthe intra- temporal path ofthe facial nerve. at the moment Esslen began to list with floor electrodes the compound motion strength evoked through maximal percutaneous stimulation in consultant components ofthe facial muscular tissues. With this technique, known as electroneurono- graphy, detailed decision ot the percentageofdegenerated nerve fibers should be completed within the early stagesofthe palsy.
Precise electroneuronographic standards for the selectionofpatients requiring surgical procedure so as very likely to enhance the result oftheir disfiguring paralysis have been labored out. At surgical procedure d[yen]ect stimulationofthe completely uncovered intratemporal portionofthe facial nerve used to be used for the 1st time in combina- tion with electroneurography as a way to ensure objectively the measure ofthe lesion. not like what hasbeen believed for years the pathology similar with acute facial palsy has been discovered to be located within the majorityofthe circumstances on the front and never towards the go out ofthe fallopian canal.

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The Acute Facial Palsies: Investigations on the Localization and Pathogenesis of Meato-Labyrinthine Facial Palsies (Schriftenreihe Neurologie Neurology Series) by Erlo Esslen,U. Fisch

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