Compactifying Moduli Spaces (Advanced Courses in Mathematics by Paul Hacking,Radu Laza,Dragos Oprea,Gilberto Bini,Martí PDF

By Paul Hacking,Radu Laza,Dragos Oprea,Gilberto Bini,Martí Lahoz,Emanuele Macrí,Paolo Stellari

ISBN-10: 3034809204

ISBN-13: 9783034809207

This e-book focusses on a wide classification of gadgets in moduli idea and gives assorted views from which compactifications of moduli areas could be investigated.

Three contributions provide an perception on specific facets of moduli difficulties. within the first of them, a number of how one can build and compactify moduli areas are provided. within the moment, a few questions about the boundary of moduli areas of surfaces are addressed. eventually, the speculation of sturdy quotients is defined, which yields significant compactifications of moduli areas of maps.

either complicated graduate scholars and researchers in algebraic geometry will locate this ebook a important read.

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Compactifying Moduli Spaces (Advanced Courses in Mathematics - CRM Barcelona) by Paul Hacking,Radu Laza,Dragos Oprea,Gilberto Bini,Martí Lahoz,Emanuele Macrí,Paolo Stellari

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