New PDF release: Map Worlds: A History of Women in Cartography

By Will C. van den Hoonaard

ISBN-10: 1554589320

ISBN-13: 9781554589326

ISBN-10: 1771121262

ISBN-13: 9781771121262

Map Worlds plots a trip of discovery in the course of the international of girls map-makers from the golden age of cartography within the sixteenth-century Low nations to tactile maps in modern Brazil. writer Will C. van den Hoonaard examines the heritage of girls within the career, units out the location of ladies in technical fields and cartography-related agencies, and descriptions the demanding situations they face of their careers.

The ebook explores ladies as colourists in early instances, describes the key homes of cartographic creation, and delves into the commercial functionality of intermarriages between cartographic homes and households. It relates how in later centuries, operating from the margins, ladies produced maps to checklist painful tribal thoughts or sought to therapy social injustices. in additional modern occasions, one girl so replaced the way in which we predict approximately continents that the shift has been likened to the Copernican revolution. different girls created order and beauty concerning the lunar panorama, and nonetheless others became the paintings and technological know-how of creating maps within out, exposing the hidden, subconscious, and subliminal “text” of maps. Shared via a lot of these map-makers are topics of social justice and making maps paintings for the betterment of humanity.

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Map Worlds: A History of Women in Cartography by Will C. van den Hoonaard

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