Convex and Discrete Geometry: 336 (Grundlehren der - download pdf or read online

By Peter Gruber

ISBN-10: 3540711325

ISBN-13: 9783540711322

ISBN-10: 3642090230

ISBN-13: 9783642090233

Convex and Discrete Geometry is a space of arithmetic located among research, geometry and discrete arithmetic with a variety of family members to different subdisciplines. This booklet presents a complete review of significant effects, tools and concepts of convex and discrete geometry and its functions. along with being a graduate-level creation to the sphere, it's a sensible resource of knowledge and orientation for convex geometers, and necessary to humans operating within the utilized fields.

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Convex and Discrete Geometry: 336 (Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften) by Peter Gruber

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