On Being a Woman: Musings of a Radical Mother by Sharon Myers PDF

By Sharon Myers

ISBN-10: 1425140440

ISBN-13: 9781425140441

Sharon Myers has been a waitress, hotel maid, felony secretary, version, sturdy hand, photographer, researcher for documentary movies, affiliate professor of utilized linguistics, a mom, a journey consultant in Macchu Picchu. She now works on the American Language Institute on the collage of Southern California. as well as her educational paintings, she has released pictures and articles of editorial journalism within the former Mexican newsweekly Di and in San Diego journal. She wrote Faces past the Fence, a newspaper complement which gained the Robert F. Kennedy photojournalism award in 1980. She has contributed poetry to the Texas Observer, and the tale "The Forbidden record" to Sumrall and Vecchione's 1993 anthology Catholic women: tales, Poems, and Memoirs through Louise Erdich, Mary Gordon, Audre Lorde, Mary McCarthy, Francince Prose and forty seven Others.

On Being a girl is written within the rarest voice in literature, that of the mum to the daughter. it's a background, an evidence, a meditation, a political research, a poem, a polemic, a caution, a send-up, and a tune of being a girl, bringing jointly the concept and insights of many feminists in addition to these of the author's. The ebook is intended to provide the connectedness of those type, race, gender, Marxist, and motherwit logic boggling biology worldviews for readers who're now not inevitably acquainted with them all, suggesting a route to setting up kin that are way more artistic (fun) and much extra enjoyable for kids, ladies, and males within the close to future.

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On Being a Woman: Musings of a Radical Mother by Sharon Myers

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