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By Nicholas J. G. Winter

ISBN-10: 0226902366

ISBN-13: 9780226902364

ISBN-10: 0226902374

ISBN-13: 9780226902371

In addition to their seen roles in American politics, race and gender additionally paintings in hidden how you can profoundly impact the way in which we think—and vote—about an enormous array of matters that don’t appear with regards to both class. As Nicholas iciness unearths in Dangerous Frames, politicians and leaders frequently body those doubtless unrelated concerns in ways in which best audiences to reply to not the coverage to hand yet as a substitute to the best way its presentation resonates with their deeply held ideals approximately race and gender. iciness indicates, for instance, how legitimate rhetoric approximately welfare and Social safeguard has tapped into white american citizens’ racial biases to form their critiques on either concerns for the previous 20 years. equally, the best way politicians provided wellbeing and fitness care reform within the Nineties divided american citizens alongside the strains in their attitudes towards gender. Combining cognitive and political psychology with leading edge empirical examine, Dangerous Frames ultimatelyilluminates the emotional underpinnings of yank politics. 

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Dangerous Frames: How Ideas about Race and Gender Shape Public Opinion (Studies in Communication, Media, and Public Opinion) by Nicholas J. G. Winter

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