Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra - download pdf or read online

By Erik D. Demaine,Joseph O'Rourke

ISBN-10: 0521715229

ISBN-13: 9780521715225

ISBN-10: 0521857570

ISBN-13: 9780521857574

do you know that any straight-line drawing on paper will be folded in order that the total drawing might be reduce out with one instantly scissors reduce? that there's a planar linkage which can hint out any algebraic curve, or maybe 'sign your name'? Or 'Latin pass' unfolding of a dice could be refolded to 23 diversified convex polyhedra? during the last decade, there was a surge of curiosity in such difficulties, with functions starting from robotics to protein folding. With an emphasis on algorithmic or computational points, this remedy offers enormous quantities of effects and over 60 unsolved 'open difficulties' to encourage additional study. The authors hide one-dimensional (1D) items (linkages), 2nd items (paper), and 3D items (polyhedra). geared toward complicated undergraduate and graduate scholars in arithmetic or machine technological know-how, this lavishly illustrated e-book will fascinate a huge viewers, from tuition scholars to researchers.

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Geometric Folding Algorithms: Linkages, Origami, Polyhedra by Erik D. Demaine,Joseph O'Rourke

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