Eduardo Barreiros and the Recovery of Spain - download pdf or read online

By Hugh Thomas

ISBN-10: 0300121091

ISBN-13: 9780300121094

A dramatic biography of the extreme Spanish industrialist and entrepreneur Eduardo Barreiros


Born in an impoverished area of Galicia, possessed of little schooling and not more cash, Eduardo Barreiros (1919–1992) rose to develop into an immensely winning entrepreneur and one among Spain’s such a lot admired industrialists. during this attractive biography, the 1st on a Spanish entrepreneur in English, Hugh Thomas recounts Barreiros’s origins as an car mechanic, his good fortune within the motor undefined, his tragic alliance with the Chrysler company, and his little-known function as a motor founder in Nineteen Eighties Cuba. Drawing on an unmatched wisdom of Spanish heritage, Lord Thomas additionally brings to mild Barreiros’s severe position within the modernization of the Spanish economic system within the post–Civil struggle years.


The ebook deals a close portrait of Don Eduardo’s character, personality, and various entrepreneurial endeavors, in addition to a whole account of the problems the Franco-era executive threw within the direction of his capitalist actions. the connection among Barreiros and the Chrysler company can also be defined, in addition to the failed evade Dart venture that finally expense Barreiros his company. eventually, the e-book recounts Don Eduardo’s late-in-life efforts to aid identify a motor in Castro’s Cuba—a paradoxical end for an excellent capitalist.


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Eduardo Barreiros and the Recovery of Spain by Hugh Thomas

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