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By James H. Clark,Fabien Deswarte

ISBN-10: 1118714482

ISBN-13: 9781118714485

Introduction to chemical compounds from Biomass, moment Edition offers an summary of using biorenewable assets within the twenty first century for the manufacture of chemical items, fabrics and effort. The publication demonstrates that biomass is basically a wealthy mix of chemical compounds and fabrics and, as such, has a massive strength as feedstock for creating a wide variety of chemical compounds and fabrics with functions in industries from prescription drugs to furniture.

Completely revised and up-to-date to mirror contemporary advancements, this new version starts with an creation to the biorefinery suggestion, by way of chapters addressing a few of the varieties of to be had biomass feedstocks, together with waste, and the several pre-treatment and processing applied sciences being constructed to show those feedstocks into platform chemical substances, polymers, fabrics and effort. The publication concludes with a dialogue at the guidelines and methods being installed position for offering the so-called Bioeconomy.

Introduction to chemical compounds from Biomass is a invaluable source for lecturers, commercial scientists and policy-makers operating within the components of commercial biotechnology, biorenewables, chemical engineering, wonderful and bulk chemical construction, agriculture applied sciences, plant technology, and effort and gear generation.
we have to decrease our dependence on fossil assets and more and more derive the entire chemical compounds we take with no consideration and use in our way of life from biomass – and we needs to ensure that we do that utilizing eco-friendly chemistry and sustainable technologies!

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Topics lined include:

• The biorefinery concept
• Biomass feedstocks
• Pre-treatment technologies
• Platform molecules from renewable resources
• Polymers from bio-based monomers
• Biomaterials
• Bio-based power production

compliment for the first edition:

“Drawing at the services of the authors the publication consists of a level of plant biology and chemical engineering, which illustrates the multidisciplinary nature of the subject beautifully” - Chemistry World

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Introduction to Chemicals from Biomass (Wiley Series in Renewable Resource) by James H. Clark,Fabien Deswarte

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