New PDF release: GATE Electrical Engineering

By Trishna Knowledge System

ISBN-10: 9332582807

ISBN-13: 9789332582804

This e-book has been ready by means of a gaggle of schools who're hugely skilled in education GATE applicants and also are material specialists. therefore this publication could function a one-stop resolution for any GATE aspirant to crack the exam. The publication is split into 3 components masking, (1) normal flair, (2) Engineering arithmetic and (3) electric Engineering. assurance is as according to the syllabus prescribed for GATE and subject matters are dealt with in a accomplished demeanour - starting from the fundamentals and progressing in a step by step demeanour supported by means of considerable variety of solved and unsolved difficulties. additional care has been taken to provide the content material in a modular and systematic demeanour - to facilitate effortless figuring out of all topics.

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GATE Electrical Engineering by Trishna Knowledge System

by Kevin

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