New PDF release: Hoover's FBI and the Fourth Estate: The Campaign to Control

By Matthew Cecil

ISBN-10: 0700619461

ISBN-13: 9780700619467

The Federal Bureau of research used to be an corporation dedicated to American beliefs, professionalism, and clinical equipment, directed by means of a sage and selfless leaderand an individual who stated another way used to be a nogood subversive, bent on discrediting the yank lifestyle. That was once the authentic tale, and the way J. Edgar Hoover made it stickrunning roughshod over those self same American idealsis the tale this ebook tells in complete for the 1st time. From Hoover's first tentative media contacts within the Thirties to the Bureau's eponymous tv sequence within the Sixties and Seventies, FBI officers worked mightily to regulate the Bureau's imageefforts that positioned them notsosquarely on the leading edge of the rising box of public relatives. within the face of any journalistic demanding situations to the FBI's legitimacy and operations, Hoover was once capable of create a benign, even heroic counter narrative, thank you partially to his associates in newsrooms. Matthew Cecil's personal prodigious research via thousands of pages from FBI records finds the lengths to which Hoover and his lackeys went to take advantage of the click to hoodwink the yank humans. much more sobering is how a lot support he acquired from such a lot of within the press. Conservative newshounds like broadcaster Fulton Lewis, Jr. and columnist George Sokolsky located themselves as "objective" defenders of Hoover's FBI and have been rewarded with entry, friendship, and different favors. a few of Hoover's associates even grew to become adjunctFBI brokers, distinct as precise provider Contacts who discreetly accumulated info for the Bureau. "Enemies," nevertheless, have been heavily monitored and subjected to operations that disrupted their paintings or perhaps undermined and ended their careers. famous newshounds like I. F. Stone, George Seldes, James A. Wechsler, etc discovered themselves the themes of FBI investigations and, sometimes, named at the Bureau's "custodial detention index," specific for arrest relating to a countrywide emergency. With event as a political reporter, a press secretary, and a pupil and professor of journalism and public kinfolk, Matthew Cecil is uniquely certified to behavior us in the course of the maze of political intrigue and impression peddling that markand frequently maskthe historical past of the FBI. His paintings serves as a cautionary story approximately how manipulative executive brokers and compliant reporters can undermine the very associations and beliefs they're tasked with protecting.

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Hoover's FBI and the Fourth Estate: The Campaign to Control the Press and the Bureau's Image by Matthew Cecil

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